In memory of Kurt Schnyder...  
  Kurt Schnyder  
photo by Michael Tracey           

We're bringing together stories, graphics, and sounds from and about Kurt... please help us celebrate his life and work. Visit our blog for more images and to leave your own comments. Visit us on our new Facebook page, as well. Make sure you explore Kurt's art in our new gallery, below. We'll be adding more images soon...


click thumbnails or title to zoom into gallery

She Always Wore Flannel
Venus In the Basement
She Always Wore Flannel

Venus In the Basement


Sketch No. 1


Sketch No. 1

Untitled Watercolor
Self-Portrait with Gum
Kurt's Apartment (Installation)
Untitled Watercolor

Self-Portrait with Gum

Kurt's Apartment (Installation)

Kurt's Apartment (Installation Detail)
High School Project
Kurt's Apartment
(Installation Detail)

High School Project


Intrigued by Orbs
  Intrigued by Orbs


Kurt Schnyder, Self-Portrait with Gum


Kurt, the Sparkler Man

by Stephen Tracey

Late on a Fourth of July party
in a decade long ago
a figure of spidery grace

lit a clutch of sparklers in his hand,
tucked some in his shoes
and casually spun cartwheels down the street,

a living pinwheel,
coruscating, sputtering,

When you got to know him
you remained in awe
of a restless talent

that cast off sparks
in music and painting,
forever spinning cartwheels...


Kurt's Apartment


KURT….by Claire Wilson

A crayon on paper
       the beat of a drum
a conga line snaking through the house
       a hand rolled cigarette
the play of childhood
       never abandoned
How can you preserve
       that joyous recklessness of youth
when a dance or a song
       could inspire a vision
and make your world spin
       in all directions at once
Waves of sadness
       unlike the tide
wash through me
       not over me
touching my soul
       drowning me in memories
Hope for the future
       like those waves
comes in an early rush
       and ebbs away slowly
leaving behind only
       remembrance of what we danced



The bird is in the air, the stone lies on the land; the fish lives in the water, my spirit in God's hand. ~ Angelus Silesius

To effect the quality of the day is the highest of the arts. ~ Henry David Thoreau

The body melts into the universe. The universe melts into the soundless voice. The sound melts into the all-shining light. And the light enters the bosom of infinite joy. ~ Santana Caravanserai Metaphysical Meditations by Paramahansa Yogananda   

Venus in the Basement

On the passing of Kurt Schnyder...


Kurt Closeup
(C)2007, Kurt Schnyder Estate

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